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Eye Doctor and Surgeon in Marmaris Mustafa Eren started to accept patients in his clinic.

Eye Doctor and Surgeon in Marmaris Mustafa Eren started to accept patients in his clinic.
Tanıtım Yazısı

Surgeon Mustafa Eren, an eye doctor and surgeon in Marmaris, has begun accepting patients in his clinic. He can treat eye diseases in the clinic. He stated that he could cure eye diseases and perform eye surgery for locals and foreign tourists, especially the people of Marmaris.

He continues to accept patients at the address of Çıldır Mahallesi, Seyfettin Kemal Elgin Bulvarı, Mehmet Erden Apartmanı No: 32/12. Among the services it has provided, he explained that he was working on general eye examinations, vision examinations, children’s lazy eyes, and visual examinations. He also stated that he studies nearsightedness, farsightedness, contact lens examination, diabetic retinopathy, cataract surgery, enlargement of the eye, cornea, and conjunctiva diseases.

He also explained that this is a treatment area for lacrimal duct obstruction, dry eye treatment, glaucoma, and eye pressure problems. He announced that he provided eye surgery under the title of “eye surgeon.” He performed well, especially in aesthetics, eye aesthetics, and eye surgeries. He emphasized that he is an eye doctor who is followed with an interest in surgical procedures as well as in areas such as cataract surgery and ophthalmology. He checks on his patients with interest and care, especially during the surgery, patient follow-up, and recovery period. People who are looking for an Marmaris Eye Doctor  can get medical advice from our eye doctor as quickly as possible.

Eye diseases are a phenomenon that should be taken seriously. It is necessary to have at least one annual routine eye examination per year. It is important to measure your eye pressure annually. Many diseases are caused by high eye pressure. A simple eye examination can tell us more about the signs of many diseases. In addition, it should be noted that eye surgeries are no longer the same as before. Eye surgeries that are operated using modern devices are now painless and have a quick recovery process. Developing technology also shows itself in eye surgery and eye examination products. If you want to get examined without sacrificing quality, you can consult with our eye doctor in order to benefit from the support of technology in this area, as in every subject.

For Marmaris Eye Test, you can get an appointment at +905356663384



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